Techfynder Blog | Recruiting Talent, New Jobs and Career Advice


Written by Harshala Salgaonkar | Aug 26, 2020 2:33:18 PM

There is no denying that when working as an IT contractor, or a contractor/freelancer of any kind, you will undertake more interviews than people who are in long-term contracts. The majority of the time, short term IT contract jobs won’t last longer than a few months maximum and when one contract ends, ideally you will go straight into another one.

Whilst not all short term IT contract jobs will require a full formal interview, you can guarantee that they will at least want to discuss your CV with you in more detail and ensure that you’re able to complete the work required. Of course, if you’ve never worked with a company before then they may want to undertake a standard interviewing process no matter how long the contract may be for, so you need to be prepared for all circumstances.

When working as an IT contractor, knowing how to succeed in a job interview is essential. After all, in order to be successful, you need to have enough work lined up and often, an interview is make or break as to whether you get this work. To help any IT contractors looking for some tips regarding job interviews, whether you’re new to this type of work or not, keep reading today. You can ensure that you’re fully prepared for the interview of your next short term IT contract job.

Succeeding in a job interview

You may find that some interviews require you to bring specific material with you and ask you to prepare something particular. However, in general, the majority of interviewers for short term IT contract jobs will be straightforward and below are some of our tips for succeeding in these interviews:

  • Always be prepared - We can’t stress how important preparation is. From researching into the company and what is required for the job to relating your current experience to the role, this preparation can help you get the job. It is always obvious when someone hasn’t put any effort in behind the scenes.

  • Be confident in your ability - When working as a freelance IT contractor it is essential that you know your strengths are. Companies will want to know why you’re able to undertake the job and that you can do so confidently too. Don’t be afraid to mention similar previous roles you’ve undertaken during your interview.

  • Consider things you would like to know - You can usually expect an interviewer to ask you if you have any questions and often this throws people off. Take some time to consider what you’d like to find out from the company during the interview and if you have questions then go ahead and ask them.

  • Don’t be afraid to pause and think - This specifically applies to behavioural and hypothetical questions, the last thing you want to do is blurt something out that you’ll regret so take a few seconds to gather your thoughts. An interviewer won’t punish you for doing so.

  • Follow up after the interview - When a company is hiring a contractor, there is a high chance that they will be interviewing lots of different people for the same job. For this reason, make sure you follow up after your interview so that you’re not forgotten. It won’t hurt your chances of being offered the job.

How Techfynder can help

Hopefully, the tips above will be beneficial to any IT contractors interested in both short and longer-term contracts. It goes without saying that any time you attend an interview you want to ensure that you’re giving off the best possible impression, even if you realise that the job isn’t for you. After all, you never know if the same employer will have other more suited job opportunities in the future and it is also likely that they have connections in the industry too.

If you’re currently searching for short term IT contract jobs that you can apply for in preparation for your current contract ending, visit the Techfynder website today. Our platform is dedicated to helping IT contractors connect with companies searching for people who meet their specifications for upcoming work. To find out more, head over to the contractor’ section of our website or get in touch with a member of our team who will happily assist you further.