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Written by Harshala Salgaonkar | Dec 18, 2020 5:16:11 PM

Flexible work arrangements have been a trend in the ever-changing world of work a long time before the COVID-19 pandemic. Having said this, the crisis has accelerated the mass adoption of remote working to enable organisations to keep operating in these turbulent times.

There has never been a more critical time to innovate and look at things differently than there was this year for the businesses, because the world has changed completely. Luckily for all of us, the technology and collaborative tools currently available have made the shift to remote working easy, not only changing the way we think about remote work but showing us how simple and beneficial it can be. 

Now that vaccines are awaiting approval, the question looms: To what extent will remote work persist? 2020 was a year for working away from the office; here are some remote working trends and statistics to prove it!

We’ve made this list of the most interesting remote work statistics to examine just how popular this phenomenon has become.

  • Since March, globally, remote job postings on LinkedIn have almost tripled, according to a July 30 report.
  • There are some companies posting new positions as "temporarily remote due to COVID-19,". Meanwhile, other companies are pivoting to permanently remote roles or at least have made remote work an option.
  • Job seekers are looking for telework as searches on LinkedIn for remote jobs have increased by 60% since March, and applications have increased 2.3 times, the report said. Remote positions with the greatest increase in applications, globally, span customer service, marketing and technology. A remote role of customer service representative had a 112% increase, according to the report.
  • Many HR professionals embrace telework, according to a May 26  Fishbowl, a self-described "workplace social network." More than half (55%) of the 17,650 professionals surveyed in various industries said they would elect to continue to work from home. About 68% of workers in the tech industry showed the greatest interest in making their telework accommodation permanent.
  • Gartner research finds that 32% of organizations are replacing full-time employees with contingent workers as a cost-saving measure in US.
  • According to Owl labs, Stats on people working from home show that small companies are more likely to opt for full-time remote workers. There’s a reason for this: Remote workers cost less because companies don’t have to invest in office space, pay electricity bills, or buy as much equipment. Sales employers hire 66% more remote workers than the overall average
  • 56% of employees have a job where at least some of what they do could be done remotely. (Global Workplace Analytics)
  • 68% of workers around the world worked remotely at least once a month.(Global Workplace Analytics)
  • In the U.S., 4.7 million employees (3.4% of the workforce) work from home at least half the week. (Global Workplace Analytics)
  • 77% of remote employees say they’re more productive when working from home.
  • 30% of remote workers are saving as much as $5,240 per year.
  • Roughly 62% of employees between 22 and 65 say they work remotely at least occasionally, (Owl Labs)
  • 44% of employees say that part of their team is full-time remote. (Buffer)
  • While 30% of people report working remotely full-time, 18% work remotely one to three times per week. (Owl Labs)
  • Regular work-at-home has grown 173% since 2005, 11% faster than the rest of the workforce (which grew 15%) and nearly 47x faster than the self-employed population (which grew by 4%) 
  • New research from the UK’s leading independent job board, CV-Library, reveals that the majority (51.3%) of Brits are more likely to consider a remote-working job following lockdown; with searches to remote jobs increasing by 222.4% since last year.
  • The findings show that remote working was also favoured amongst professionals in the following industries: design (85.7%), IT (81.5%), recruitment (80%), telecoms (77.8%), marketing (73.3%), customer service (72.2%), legal (66.7%), finance (66.7%), sales (60%) and the public sector (51.9%).
  • In a Future of Work survey of company managers, 78 percent of the respondents listed “flexible schedules and telecommuting” as their most effective non-monetary ways to increase employee retention.
  • Two-thirds of employees say that a loss of flexibility would make them start thinking about looking for another job.

These remote work statistics show the modern workplace is changing, and flexibility is at the heart of how professionals are shaping their career paths. With the current situation, if given a chance, both employers and employees will continue to adopt flexibility in their work and their way of life.

If you are looking for a new remote work opportunity that fits your ambition, now is the perfect time to explore your options with Techfynder. We will help you find remote or onsite work at your desired location. Register Today